Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pumpkin and Pie

For Thanksgiving this year, I decided to make a pumpkin roll to take to Jason's mom's. I also wanted to make a Run for the Roses (Derby) pie for Thanksgiving / my dad's birthday with my family.

I had made the pumpkin roll before, but it had been a few years. I gave Jason a list of possible desserts, and this one sounded best to him. I wasn't too worried about making it, since it was a repeat recipe. The instructions say to line the pan with wax paper before adding the cake batter. Since I was using my Wilton cake release, I decided to skip this step - big mistake!! This was the first thing that has ever stuck using the cake release! Unfortunately, my pumpin roll came out of the pan in 3 pieces; it was a lot harder to pry it out with it being such a long pan. Luckily for me, I was able to patch it back together with the icing. I hid the most torn piece by starting to roll the cake on that end. By the time I was done, it didn't look too bad. It must not have, because most of it was devoured before I could even get a picture (or a piece for myself - thankfully I snagged one of the last pieces left). Given its popularity - and Jason's fondness for cream cheese icing - it's probably on the make again list for future holidays.

The derby pie was also something I had made before, but it had been a long time. I had looked at a similar recipe online that made 2 pies, so I confused making mine. At first, I halved everything in the recipe, but it looked like it was going to make such a small pie! I studied and studied the recipe before finally concluding that my recipe only made 1 pie, so I added in the full amount of ingredients. The pie baked up beautifully. The best thing was when my dad, who is originally from Kentucky, said that it tasted like a proper derby pie. Since the name of the recipe is a little different, I had been worried, but he said that was probably due to copyright issues. The pie tasted wonderful and was even better as a leftover after the chocolate hardened up in the refrigerator. Again, I didn't get any photos, but it looked just like this one from Martha Stewart. That must mean I did something right!


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