Monday, February 20, 2012


When I saw this blog post, I couldn't resist making these cute treats for Valentine's Day. I wanted to try something different, and I had never made whoopie pies before. They are all the rage lately, so I thought I would give it a shot.

The recipe was easy enough - some flour, brown sugar, cocoa powder, buttermilk, and red food coloring. The instructions said not to mix the batter too much. I tried not to overdo it, but it did take a good bit of mixing to get the red food coloring incorporated evenly. Maybe that's why my pies turned out a little flat. For whatever reason, they weren't as light and fluffy as I had imagined.

The cream cheese filling got rave reviews. It didn't call for too much sugar, so it had more of a rich, creamy taste to it. Everyone who tried it said it was really good. ("The bomb-diggety" was the exact quote I received.)

The instructions for piping the pies call for using a heart shaped cookie cutter as a template. After searching my kitchen thoroughly, I couldn't find mine. I've used it many times (including several Valentine's past) but it seems to have disappeared this year. So in the interest of time, I had to pipe my hearts by hand. Which ended up in them being a little wonky... but still recognizable as hearts... Sadly, mine didn't look as pretty as the picture in the original blog, but I guess that didn't affect the taste.

I wish I had a picture to share, but they were all gobbled up before I had a chance to snap a shot!


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