Thursday, July 22, 2010

To: Me, From: Me

Okay, so I don't have any baking to share with you this time. But I just had to post the really cool present I bought for myself! It's impossible for me to bake without making a complete mess, and there are so many cute apron designs out there, I decided I needed one for myself. I was browsing one morning and ran across an apron I HAD to have, so I bought it! It just arrived this week, and while the fabric is a little greener and not as blue as I expected from the online picture, I totally love it. (I'm not sure the ruffles do anything for my hip region, but it's so cute that I really don't care...) The best part is that because it's so gosh darn adorable, I can leave it on display in my kitchen when it's not in use.


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